September 6, 2007

Speed Kills

Route T is a wicked road one you have to have a healthy dose of respect for. I have probably ridden Route T to and from Washington almost every week since I got my scooter.

Coming back east on T, I headed into a small town called Labadie. I wanted to stop and get some water and go to the bathroom. As I rode up to the little general store there was 3 crotch rockets out front. One of the guys said to me, sorry they are closed today. I said bummer and then he started asking me about my scooter.

He said what is the fastest you have been on that? I said, umm about 92. He said bull shit... I said no really… I said you are welcome to hop on it and see for yourself. He said Nahh, would be bad for my reputation to be seen on a scooter. He said what way are you headed on T? I said into West County, he said well follow us and show me what that scooter can do. I said I will pass; I wanted to ride out to the Labadie Coal Plant... an electric making coal plant.

I started her up and off I went. The coal plant and I have a strange relationship... I find it awesomely attractive. There is something about that huge plant that just makes me tick inside when I see it. It's just huge and powerful.

I head back on to T and started my ride home. After you leave Labadie there is this area that is switch backs with heavy elevations changes. Even curves within elevation changes. I always slow at the top of the most steep curve as there is always a lot of gravel on the road. As I hit Grand Army Road Road near the gravel, I slowed and as I start to go down a hill, I see at the top of the hill all these emergency vehicles and people waving their arms. I slow and one guy says go back and use that dirt/gravel road over the there (he points off to the north.) I said, ok cool, thanks. As I hit this dirt/gravel road my entire attention is on the road, I HATE GRAVEL.

I see all these people standing ahead on the dirt/gravel road and I slow and say to one of the ladies, a bad wreck, huh? She says yeah a motorcycle accident. She says there is the guys bike over there (about 100 feet off the embankment from the HWY T) my stomach drops as I see the mangled bike, it was the guy I had just spoke to at Labadie's bike. I turn off the scooter and start to walk up to HWY T, the lady says to me, honey you don't want to go up there. Well I did, under a sheet was the guy I had just meet. Man I felt horrible...still do.

When I came back down the hill, I was shaken up. One of the other ladies commented that someone said they were just going to fast to the road. He layed the bike down on the curve and a pickup ran over him and the bike. Bike was mangled.. dude was dead... really nice guy...he had awesome blue eyes and a wicked smile. That's all I know about him.

Like I said HWY T is a wicked road, I will not be able to ride though that section without thinking of this guy.

Picture I took sometime within the last week.

1 comment:

Scooterjo said...


Thanks for reminding us to always ride at your comfort level. I am not nearly as confident on roads like Highway T so I avoid them.

I mourn the passing of the motorcyclist you met along the way. That must have been freaky to know you spoke to him not too long before you saw the scene of the accident.

A potent reminder indeed.