We met at ETS where Bill graciously opened the doors for some warmth and bathroom comfort! Thanks Bill!!
I sat on the Versys :) Great bike... we shall see. Pete was not crazy about it!
Bill lead us on a great ride over to Forest Park then Noel lead us out of the Park over to the Coffee Cartel! We even saw the two other scooter clubs preparing for their New Year's Day ride! To bad there was not enough room to stop and say hello... but as they say the show must go on!
After warming up and enjoying some great company we headed down to the Riverfront. The Arch was still there and we headed south to the graffiti wall. Seems we should have pre approved our ride with the other club as they took umbrage that we rode the same ride they did.. strangely enough I did not see their route posted. Oh well I will get our Valentine's Day ride approved so we don't hurt their sensitive feelings. Because they care they really do....
FTR, these are MY opinions not the opinions of the SLSC, so stay off that board and talk to me in person if you got an issue, capisce??
I owned a small bike before the 650 and urban riding was all I did for a year a lot of ottoman riders seem to forget this... having been on the levee road to the brewery many times I thought it was time the rest of the club had the experience. I am please to report all survived.

looks like a great time!
Not a bad one! Looks like a great ride! I love it! Especially the front part facing me!
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