Maggie and Steve
Photo courtesy of Scot
Photo courtesy of Scot
A pleasant surprise at the meet up was EdP. Ed dropped by to meet up and see us off! From there Pete lead, Sandy, Steve, Scot and myself down to meet Jerry and his son Chris. I love Heintz Road, thanks for taking us on that one, Pete!
After picking up Jerry and Chris, I lead us down 61 to the scenic overlook then we went on to gas up. After we gassed up we headed over to Route O to Hwy 32 to Route C. When we left the gas station I had explained that I would be opening up the 650 but I would not make a turn without the full group. Pete, Chris and I really tore up Route 0 pretty well. BTW, Chris was on a crotch rocket.. nice looking bike!

When we got to Route C, Chris came in behind me.. man we were really riding it hard.. in the straight aways I know he wanted to pass me up but I would come out of a curve hit the power button and he stood no chance :) Chris and I stopped at the intersection of C and D to wait for the group.. no one was coming about 2 minutes pass and I said geez were we doing that fast.. I heard my phone ringing in my well, it was Sandy.. I missed her call. Tried to call her back when Scot was pulling up... Umm my heart sank a bit cause I knew someone was in trouble.
Was Pete, his belt totally shredded! Mind you a new belt that was just installed last month. I hauled ass 7 miles back and got off the bike and called Bobby. Bobby talked to Pete and said he would come down and get the bike. The rest of the group headed over to lunch, there was no need for them staying even though they all said they would.
Scot's wicked looking Sports City at CB Joes
Photo courtesy of Scot
Photo courtesy of Scot

Now if you have to break down somewhere, Pete picked the sweetest spot possible! To kill time we walked to a creek then followed it back in. Both leaving with scratches from raspberry bush thorns... umm and some ticks! Eeeewww !!
Bobby got down really quick and brought Max back to St. Louis. Can't begin to thank Bobby enough for coming down, no one asked him he just said I will be down as soon as possible. 80 miles out and on a Sunday. I wish you all could have a friend and mechanic like Bobby. He is flipping awesome!
Max in good hands!

I liked one thing Bobby said, as Pete was talking about going 90mph and then his bike started dropping, Bobby looks at him and says.. you know when I was riding across O and C he said he said to himself. Jesus these fuckers know where and how to ride! LOL cracked me up!
Pete and I rode two up back. Ed's dream!! For some reason was he always thought Pete and I riding two up would be cool. Well Ed was right it was actually cool... not something I would do every day but it worked! Pete did so great! Obvious benefit to riding two up was holding on to Pete but I found looking around and taking pictures fun!

So an eventful Sunday but was very nice under the circumstances! Pete and I would have never found this great creek to walk otherwise.

Awsome! You sound like girl who knows how to play! I love doing that too, when the roads permit it. Harley and I play cat and mouse sometimes, but trust me, if he wanted to, he could leave me eating dust! Your pics are great too. I love seeing the different parts of the country! Glad you had a great day, in spite of Pete's belt woes! Great post! Lady R
Thanks LadyR, we did have a great time despite the small set back. As I blogged, I can't thank Bobby enough for coming out to get Pete's bike.
I am glad you like my pictures, I love taking them and as you know I enjoy your pictures as well. It is amazing how envious we each get envious of where the other rides.
I know! It's definitely a "grass is greener" situation. I think I am appreciating my riding roads more, now that I'm sharing it with a new eye.
Sorry about your friend's bike. But at least Pete went back to pick the bike. Otherwise i think you had a great adventure
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