Once during the year, being crazy is allowed!
I am relating this story as it was told to me by my dear friend Franco. Franco lives in Milan, Italy and like me is a scooter rider. Franco shared this story with me in private but I asked his permission to share as it is such a wonderful story about a love of friendship, riding and food. (being Sicilian and Italian I completely understand the passion for great food & friendship)
Some parts maybe confusing because Franco and I communicate both in English and Italian so at times we do confuse each other. (Me confusing Franco more than he confusing me as his English is quite good while my Italian leaves something to be desired!)
Here is the story from Franco, I will take liberty and edit where need calls for:
Do you know what is a Panettone? Pane=bread, Pane-ttone something like "big bread", but this "bread" is sweet and it is the traditional Christmas cake in Italy, I must say one of: Other are Pandoro (Bread of gold) - and the Colomba (=Dove) Some pics of them for your curiosity and Italian food knowledge... :-) (me to him umm yeah I know Panettone bread, I am Italian after all, what self respecting Italian doesn't know Panettone?)
(edit by Maggie)
Just in case you don't know what Panettone is, here ya go:
Traditional Panettone
Not to leave out my Sicilian heritage, Sicilian Panettone Cake is stuffed with ricotta cream & candied orange peel, topped with powdered sugar reminiscent of snow.
(end of edit)
To be more precise our traditional cakes are much more, every Italian region (there are 20) has at least has one traditional cake for Christmas or especially in Central and South Italy for Ephiphany time.
For my my special ride only "Panettone" was concerned.
In the Italian forum in which I have many good friends, one of these friends is a pastry chef . He showed us in the forum a pic of his Panettone work just taken out from the oven.
The pic was so "appetizing" that every one in the forum wanted one. Only one problem, our friend is in Trentino and to ship one Panettone to each of us in a short time was too expensive.
We were ending our glutton desire when one friend from Perugia (Umbria, Central Italy) offered to ride to Trento, taking 20 Panettoni for us.
All this in the same day and not by car but by scoot...:-)))) Our friend is a really special person, a very experienced biker (much more than me) about of my age (yes: a baby.. :-)) ) who has ridden on two wheels (motorbike and scoot) all along Europe from south to the northest land (North Cape) and also in some part Africa. For a while now he likes to ride with his 2004 Burgie400 with a little trailer connected behind. You must know that trailers are not yet allowed on motorbike in Italy, even if an European Law permit this.
Ok, I'm writing too much and I don't want to annoy you (me to him AS IF)...
The travel from Perugia to Trento, Milan and Perugia again was of 600+250+600km, total 1450 km = 900 miles. A lot for one day ride. To much in this winter time but for this friend this is not something "exceptional", last New Years Day he started from Perugia to Vienna only to eat one piece of Sacher-Torte in the Sacher Hotel. Really! He has done this!
I like this friend a lot. He does what I wish to do. Well, this time I decided to go with him in this "trasportation ride"! :-)) (but for me this means only 600 km)
With him starting from Perugia and I from Milan we decided to meet in Verona at 8.00 am (you don't need I speak to you about Verona, Romeo and Juliet.. Pandoro.. good wines, good vibes... ok ok you know! :-)) ) and it was perfectly so!
At 8:01am, we met in Bauli Bar in Verona, then after a good breakfast we leave to to meet our friend in his shop near Trento and pick up the 20 Panettonis. After picking up the Panettonis, we drank one coffee and then started back to Milan. We arrived at 4:00 pm, ahead of time with our planned meeting with another friend at 7:00 pm. We spent some time in my home enjoying a warm house. During the travel temperatures were from -2 to 2 Celsius 28-36 Fahrenheit.
Are we two crazy old-babies? Maybe, but an old latin-roman dictum says:
"Semel in anno licet insanire"
I think for me this was only a half "insanire" nothing exceptional, to complete my portion of "insanity" for this next 2008 New Year day maybe I will go to Wien to taste one piece of Sacher-Torte... hahahaha!!!
Some pics:
Sunrise in Verona, 8:01am

The carriage and the goods

A happy glutton friend... hehe

Our friend Giancarlo (with the helmet) alias "The No Stop Man" the day after starting back to Perugia (we didn't permit him to start in the evening, he was too tired because the night before he didn't sleep enought leaving Perugia at 4 am in the morning)

Ciao bella Maggie, un abbraccio, con grande simpatia.
I loved this story so much and was so happy Franco shared it with me. It pushes me to ride somewhere insanire, very soon! Wonder how long a ride to get true Sicilian Panettone Cake would take :) Umm there is a place in Little Italy (what's left of it) in New York city that serves Sicilian Panettone... road trip anyone?
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