Sulpher Springs to big Bend to New Ballwin to Keifer Creek to St. Paul to Ridge to Old State to 109, North to Melrose (Rockwood) to Allenton to Greensfelder Park. Took the Scenic Loop was at Greensfelder! This is AN AWESOME Loop! Just beautiful scenery!
Route to Second Stop
Back to Allenton Road from Scenic Loop. Allenton comes out at Six Flags, left on W 5th to right on Central Ave, through downtown Eureka to W. South on W to Byrnesville Road! W and Byrnesmill are great roads to ride on. There is a HUGE sod farm on Brynesville.. Really nice! Followed Brynesville to NN, took a left then a quick right at Tom Frost Road. Tom Frost ends at HH, took a right (North) to O. Turned left (South West). Followed for about 1 1/2 miles to Robertsville State Park.
Followed the State Park road back to the Meramec River and a restroom :) Walked a round a bit.. not much to this park but it is a nice ride in and out.
Headed back to O and turned right. followed O across the Meramec River to Robertsville Rd. Turned right heading North. the road come on 100 near Grey Summit close to the Shaw Nature Reserve. Made a right then another quick right to the Nature Reserve. went in and paid my $3 and headed into the reserve. Monday - Thursday you can ride around the reserve, Friday - Sunday, you have to park and hike/walk in. I rode back to the Trail Head pavilion and parked. I walked out to an overlook. They are burning out all the red cedar and honey bushes from the Reserve. It is actually quite interesting. I did not walk back more in the trails as I was just at the Reserve the day before and hiked.
Some Shaw Nature Reserve Pictures

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