"My land is where my dead lie buried."
We awoke to a very crisp cool morning. We were of course concerned about our St. Louis family and friends who started the day at 85 while we were snuggled up and it was 45 outside. Nothing like snuggling up with Pete and Slasher in the Black Hills!
We were excited to finally get on the bikes! We were teased with views of Mt Rushmore and Crazy Horse on our way in late Friday night. We waited for the sun to rise and heat up the Black Hills before we started out on our adventure to see two the two great sculptures in the Black Hills.
Our first stop was Crazy Horse Memorial.
Crazy Horse was less than 8 miles from our campground. The ride over is nice, as you head east on Hwy 16 you are treated to see what waits you; the glorious Black Hills. Gorgeous stately Ponderosa Pines rising up straight as arrows from the rugged but beautiful masses of granite hills with beautiful clouds and sky to crown a perfect picture.
Leaving Custer north on 16 you can see Crazy Horse about 3 miles from the site. Your first thought is wow that is big but really what is the big deal. You have heard all the stories, 61 years in the making and you get an Indian's face. Most every person we spoke to about our trip to the Black Hills normally remarked don't waste your time or money seeing Crazy Horse, it is not worth it. As we got closer to the entry gate the monument got bigger and came more to life.

We took our outside pictures then headed into the visitors center to watch the video about how Crazy Horse Memorial was started and it's progress to date. Normally these videos are blah and you can't wait for them to be over. Pete and I both sat in awe as we heard the tale of how the Crazy Horse Memorial was conceived. We were blown away by the Lakota Indians dream as well as that of the sculptor they chose Korczak Ziolkowsk. I will spare you the history lesson but keep this one fact in mind. This man never took one dime of federal or state aid (even though it has been offered numerous time) to build the Lakota's dream. The philosophy is one that still lives today through Korczak Ziolkowsk's wife and seven childern that still work on the Memorial. As we walked through the visitors center we learned more and more about this family who have dedicated their lives to this enormous dream. By the minute we were becoming huge Crazy Horse as well as Ziolkowsk fans.
We took the tour to the base of Crazy Horse, as you get out of the bus you are awe struck by the massive size. You can fit Mt. Rushmore in the head alone of Crazy Horse.

As we were leaving and looking at the mountain I said to Pete, now when I look at the mountain I actually see it in it's finished form. I no longer see just a mountain with a face. I see a finished Indian tribe and family's dream coming to life. They give you a piece of mountain to take home. Pete and I made a promise to each other, if the Memorial is complete before our life ends we will come back. I can not begin to place in words how moved Pete and I were by the entire Crazy Horse experience.

Back on the bikes heading north on 16 we are heading to Mt Rushmore. Hwy 16 is a faster road that gets one from north to south through the Black Hills. Even though it is more of a faster road it is in no way less beautiful.

We turn east on 244 to Mt. Rushmore. Now the fun begins. Here comes our elevation changes with twisties throw in for fun. Pete and I were talking through the Scalas all the way and I think the only words shared were.. wow just awesome! We pulled over at most every pull off to take in the glorious scenes nature was providing.

One of my favorite pull offs on 244 was Horsethief Lake. Water looked inviting but with a water temperature likely in the 60's we skipped and pressed on to Mt. Rushmore.
Look close, Pete captured a kid jumping from the rocks into the lake!

From Horsethief Lake
you climb higher and higher into the Black Hills. Granite spires begin forming on each side of 244 as you head into Mt Rushmore National Park. As you clear the granite spires there is a pull off. We pull into to see the view to the south of beautiful Black Hills. It is only till you turn around to see why this pull off is here. There is George Washington peaking out of the granite spires!

I remember first seeing pictures of Mt Rushmore when I was in second grade. Having only seen Mt Rushmore in 2D it is so damn cool to see George Washington in 3D right before ones eyes. We get back on the bikes and head to the visitors center. Although much smaller than Crazy Horse it is nonetheless grand. The patriotism that builds in ones body as you walk through the 50 state flags approaching the Grand Terrace is cheesy yet very genuine. Your heart swells and your eyes begin to water. You remember why this country was founded and why we are the greatest country in the world. (no disrespect meant to my non-American friends)

What more could this day bring??
Now the reason we brought the bikes on this trip await us! Iron Mountain Road!
Iron Mountain Road is actually US Highway 16A. It is the long, scenic route to Custer. The road winds for about five miles to the top of Iron Mountain -- hence the name. In the first five miles we rode through three tunnels and over two pigtail bridges. Each of the three tunnels frames a view of Mt. Rushmore. The next 12 miles the road slowly descents after a series of hairpin turns and one more tunnel into Custer State Park.

You know you are approaching Custer State Park when you see signs that read, Buffalo are dangerous do not approach. The anticipation begins. Will we really get to see buffalo? I mean come on we read before we came to the park there we about 1400 buffalo in 71,000 acres. What are the chances?
I know Pete is really excited to see buffalo. As we headed down a steep snake curve there before our eyes are a huge congregation of burros. LOL, cracked me up! We navigate through the mass of burros and cars and find a safe place to park. As we are parking the bikes, I notice to the right in a prairie field a heard of approximately 120 buffalo. I am watching Pete and I realize he has not seen the buffalo as his attention is towards the begging burros. I turn to Pete and say babe look over there.... I see a huge smile cross his face. Way to cool :) The burros really loved our Special K breakfast bars!

Custer Park is full of great roads while surrounded by beautiful scenery and numerous wild life. While in Custer we saw buffalo, burros, prairie dogs, rabbits, countless deers and antelope. Saw lots of signs for snakes and turtles but saw neither did hear a rattlesnake but decided it was best to vacate the scene.
Every time we saw a sign that said Beware of Snakes we could not be reminded of our dear friend in St. Louis, Steve a/k/a Snake If you ever meet Steve you would understand why his nickname is directly opposite of the great guy he is!

After resting in the RV for a few hours we headed back to Crazy Horse for a light memorial show, in a word: Outstanding!
A nice crisp 47 degree ride back to the RV was a great way to end the day!
Here are a few more pictures in no particular order.