Flutter flipped 10,000 miles this morning. Of all the great places she and I have been, ironically she flipped to 10,000 @ 141 & Manchester.
I have no doubt I am biased but Flutter is the coolest damn scooter ever built. I will never forget buying her. Mike at ETS said let me show you this Kymco Bet Win 250cc in the back. I remember thinking, what the hell kind of name is that? The minute I saw her it was love at first sight. Within 3 minutes I handed him a check.
As I rode into work after she passed 10,000, I reflected on how much this scooter has changed my life. I have been places I would have never gone. I have seen things I would have never seen without her. I have cultivated what I hope will be life long friendships that I otherwise would not have.
Even with the new 650 in the garage, I still have this deep affection for my first. I could go on to own the much coveted DN-01 or the MyRoad 700i but there will never be the same love like my first love.
Like I always tell Pete and Ed… it’s the red scooter!
We meet up at our usual starting off point for southern rides, Meramec Bottom and Hwy 21 under the bridge.
Maggie and Steve Photo courtesy of Scot
A pleasant surprise at the meet up was EdP. Ed dropped by to meet up and see us off! From there Pete lead, Sandy, Steve, Scot and myself down to meet Jerry and his son Chris. I love Heintz Road, thanks for taking us on that one, Pete!
After picking up Jerry and Chris, I lead us down 61 to the scenic overlook then we went on to gas up. After we gassed up we headed over to Route O to Hwy 32 to Route C. When we left the gas station I had explained that I would be opening up the 650 but I would not make a turn without the full group. Pete, Chris and I really tore up Route 0 pretty well. BTW, Chris was on a crotch rocket.. nice looking bike!
Bikes at the scenic overlook Photo courtesy of Scot
When we got to Route C, Chris came in behind me.. man we were really riding it hard.. in the straight aways I know he wanted to pass me up but I would come out of a curve hit the power button and he stood no chance :) Chris and I stopped at the intersection of C and D to wait for the group.. no one was coming about 2 minutes pass and I said geez were we doing that fast.. I heard my phone ringing in my well, it was Sandy.. I missed her call. Tried to call her back when Scot was pulling up... Umm my heart sank a bit cause I knew someone was in trouble.
Was Pete, his belt totally shredded! Mind you a new belt that was just installed last month. I hauled ass 7 miles back and got off the bike and called Bobby. Bobby talked to Pete and said he would come down and get the bike. The rest of the group headed over to lunch, there was no need for them staying even though they all said they would.
Scot's wicked looking Sports City at CB Joes Photo courtesy of Scot
Now if you have to break down somewhere, Pete picked the sweetest spot possible! To kill time we walked to a creek then followed it back in. Both leaving with scratches from raspberry bush thorns... umm and some ticks! Eeeewww !!
Bobby got down really quick and brought Max back to St. Louis. Can't begin to thank Bobby enough for coming down, no one asked him he just said I will be down as soon as possible. 80 miles out and on a Sunday. I wish you all could have a friend and mechanic like Bobby. He is flipping awesome!
Max in good hands!
I liked one thing Bobby said, as Pete was talking about going 90mph and then his bike started dropping, Bobby looks at him and says.. you know when I was riding across O and C he said he said to himself. Jesus these fuckers know where and how to ride! LOL cracked me up!
Pete and I rode two up back. Ed's dream!! For some reason was he always thought Pete and I riding two up would be cool. Well Ed was right it was actually cool... not something I would do every day but it worked! Pete did so great! Obvious benefit to riding two up was holding on to Pete but I found looking around and taking pictures fun!
So an eventful Sunday but was very nice under the circumstances! Pete and I would have never found this great creek to walk otherwise.
It's Monday and no rain??? So a ride was in order. I had no idea really where I was going so I just rode. After I started, I decided to ride out to Jon's Kymco dealership in Marthasville.
Was a day of stopping and taking pictures. There was even an unexpected stop.
Wild Horse Creek
I headed out to Wild Horse Creek, I really opened the 650 up on all the twisties. Head over to the Devil's road as Kevin likes to call Ossenfort. I was clipping along pretty well when I look and see a St. Louis County policeman running radar!
He motions me over, I pull into the drive he was in. He asked me to remove my helmet and turn off the bike. He says to me, do you know how fast you were going? I said honestly no but I am sure it was fast. He said does this have a speedometer? I said uhh yeah it does. He said you were doing 62 in a 25.. I said wow really? He asked me again if it had a speedometer. Now mind you I have always been good at talking my way out of tickets but this time I knew I was screwed so I didn't even begin to talk my way out of this one. He said you have a license and insurance? I said yeah, got it out. Then he said you been on this road before, I said yeah 1,000's of times I live out this way. Then he looks at me and says I have no idea why but I am not going to write you a ticket. ( I thought to myself I have no idea why you are not either) He says to me Ms. Madonia ride through here again like that it will be a different story. I said thanks sir, I appreciate it. I took a picture of a horse in a field across the street got my helmet on and left.
Ok onward up rest of Ossenfort to Hwy T to Labadie. I stopped for lunch at my all time favorite Monday place for my all time favorite lunch.
Hwy 47 Bridge in Washington
Farmland in Marthasville
After lunch I rode into Washington then hit Hwy 47 to Marthasville. I found Jon's shop on Hwy 47 in Marthasville and stopped in for a visit. Super nice guy with a very nice shop. He even has helmets :) I resisted the urge and didn't buy this very nice HJC helmet. We will have to plan a ride out for you all to see his place. Jon does all the shop work and sales. He sold an Agility and a Grand Vista this past week!!
Missouri Wild Thistle
Afterwards, I headed back in Hwy 47. I decided to go down and see the Daniel Boone Memorial off of Hwy 47. Glad I did a very nice spot!
Daniel Boone Monument
Back on Hwy 47 o Hwy 94. Went into Augusta for a quick look see down by the river. After I was back on Hwy 94 I decided to stop at Klondike Park. I have rode by this park 100's times and always wanted to stop. I am so glad I did, this place rocks!
I hiked up the hill to a scenic overlook, very very nice. Even saw a wild goat up there, I guess it was wild but he did have a tag on his ear. He was friendly. Afterwards road over to the lake. Appears this was some sort of quarry? Super nice place and will be a place I return to again soon!
Quarry Lake at Klondike Park
Goat at Klondike Park
Afterwards Hwy 94 to Hwy 40 to home. 99.2 miles logged. Fantastic day.
Great weekend to get in some riding. Both days saw us heading out west to the hills and twisties. Saturday was a St. Louis Scooter Club ride out to Morrison and back. Sunday, Pete and I were going to head up north to Hardin but at the last minute we change the route and went out west to Cuba. Sunday we saw lots of bikers out enjoying the GREAT weather.