Pete on Seckman Road

Picked up the bike today....
1st snow.. ugh!
On the ride out to pick up the bike we were talking about which way Pete would ride back, across Lions Den or to Seckman and the highway. Coming across Lions Den and Old LeMay Ferry I looked to the left and in the ball fields I saw three deer moving at a high rate of speed. They came onto the road where there were two cars. I kid you not the one deer jumped one of the cars.. it is freaking awesome.. I said that was damn cool then said to Pete, maybe you best turn right those deer were going to the left... LOL!
Pete rode the bike back in and he did so well across Seckman! The new helmet looks really really nice on him..
Then he hopped on the highway back in to a large parking lot off Meramec Bottom road. I rode the bike a few times and felt comfortable enough to ride it home. Pete insisted on following me.. thanks Pete!!
Man this bike is flipping cool.. it rides so damn smooth! Two things I have to get use to.. the quick acceleration and the engine braking. Otherwise I felt comfortable.
As I told Pete without sounding crude the bike certainly feels big between my legs.. just a totally differing feel than my Bet and Win!
Of course upon arrival at home I HAD to wash and wax it as well as detail it.