On Saturday the St. Louis Scooter Club and the Gateway Rockers held a toy ride for St. Louis Crisis Nursery. The weather was so so but could have been so much worse! We invaded Extreme Toy Store as our meet up point. Many thanks to Bill and Jeff at ETS. Bill was GREAT as Santa on a Segway!!
HUGE props to the Rock Hill Police Department for coming out and helping us with traffic control!
We paraded down Manchester Road with our bikes stuffed full of toys for the kids! Once we arrived at Shop and Save we we greeted by many of the Shop and Save employees and customers! We parked right up front and unloaded our gifts!
Did you ever have a day you didn't want to end?? This was one of those days, my Ground Hog Day, I could replay this day over and over...
Up and bright early, Pete and I headed to First Watch for breakfast. If you have never eaten at First Watch, do yourself a favor, do so!! The crepe eggs are yummy! During our very organic healthy breakfast we plotted our day. We decided it would just be a day of wandering.
We headed over to Old Lemay Ferry, once at Seckman, I decided I wanted to try out Frisco Hill Road! WOW!! Awesome awesome road!! HUGE elevation changes and a set of switch backs out of this world! Twist Frisco Hill comes back to Old LeMay Ferry, so we zipped on down to Rice Road. I swear you think Ossenfort is the Devil's Road?? Rice Road is OSSENFORT ON STEROIDS!! The road is just to die for, forget the Dragon, we own it right here in Missouri! The views to Sandy Valley are phenomenal.
Once we were done with Rice road we headed over to Goldman East to back track to Sandy Creek Bridge. It was fun coming across the valley we were just viewing from Rice. Goldman is a nice country road and prepares you for Sandy Church! We took a bathroom break at Sandy Creek Bridge, geez I never tire of this place!
Once out of Sandy Creek we headed across Glade Chapel Road, sweet piece of road. Instead of coming up Hillsboro-House Spring per the norm, we took Glade Chapel west to Hwy BB. Then BB to cedar Hill to Gravois to NN. Oh yeah in Cedar Hill, I came around a sharp up hill curve and it appeared someone had blown an engine and there was oil everywhere... I straight away tell Pete to go right, however Bella and I went through it. I felt both tires slide ever so slightly to the right Geezz that could have been SO MUCH worse!
NN is one of the first roads Pete and I ever rode on together.. was fun talking about that as we zipped along. Just another beautiful twist road with massive elevation changes. After NN we headed into Pacific then over to Eureka and time for a Monster break... wow look kids it's Six Flags!
Once a couple of M-80's were downed we headed up Allenton Road, they have repaved Allenton Road, a great road just went SUPER Great!! Of course we could not pass up the scenic loop in Greensfelder Park!
After leaving Greensfelder we headed over to Melrose. Opps up there at NN and Pacific, I failed to mentioned that I asked Pete what did he wanted for lunch, eggs salad or Wolfie's? He picked Wolfies Jump Guess what kids we are going URBAN!! But we still have some country ride to go yet. Melrose to Ossenfort to Wild Horse Creek, does life get much better? Seriously??
Once in town we headed over several urban jungle roads to Woodson Terrace and Wolfie's Hot Dog Stand! This was Pete's first trip and my what?? 1,000th??? I love sharing new places with Pete. Look at this smile :)
At lunch we decided we decided we would ride downtown and see if the Arch was still there. While riding we decided the Arch was more than likely still there so we headed over to Forest Park to the Jewel Box. Did you know there was a Korean War memorial at the Jewel Box?? No?? Neither did we! Was very nice!
Time to go home?? Nahh, what is the best way to finish a Beautiful day???
I can't believe it has been 3 months since I have blogged about my scootering adventures. But then again I can. I have had so many wonderful adventures that I have hardly had the time to blog about them. This will change, I will catch up this week!
This trip is worth going on even if you have to cage it...
Pete and I took off on down the Bluff Road. I love Monday riding, no one on the road at all. I think we passed one car between Columbia and Ellis Grove.
The Bluff Road is in good condition even after some flooding along various points.
The bridge is still out on the turn to Prairie DuRocher but just follow the Bluff Road and all is good. The bridge is really more a scenic cut off than anything...
Always a welcome relief is the limestone holes cut into the wall of the bluffs along the road. The temperature drops like 50 degrees as you pass each one. With yesterday being the hottest day of the year, it was a welcome blast of cold air.
Once into Chester we found Rte 3 South was closed due to flooding. Ended up being alright as the detour took us to places we had never been before. Best part of riding in my opinion any ways.
Once in Murphysboro we headed for the 17th Bar and Grill. The reason for the trip south was as much to eat at this place as was the Little Grand Canyon. Last time we made the trip down here with the club it was closed The place lives up to it's reputation, some of the best BBQ I have ever eaten. The cucumber salad was to die for.
After lunch we headed to Little Grand Canyon, this place was everything I had been looking forward to! Great trails and views! Well worth the trip down to experience nature at it's finest.
The back roads to LCG make the experience even more fun! Like last week's accomplishment of seeing Sandy Creek in all four seasons, we have now seen the scenic overlook in Bloomsdale in all four seasons. Hard to pick which has been my favorite as they all have had their own unique views. I am actually looking forward to this fall as we should have much more color with all the rain we had this spring/summer. As per our usual we found cats on our trip... OMG these were adorable.. sigh, I didn't get to bring any home.
Nice 254 mile day.. gas mileages were good on Max.. umm Pete actually had better mileage on Bella.
Perfect day for riding... with the perfect riding partner as always. I am sure we will plan a fall trip to Little Grand Canyon and hope a lot of you can join in.
Subtitle: Holy Crap there is a lot of farm land in Illinois!
Sub Subtitle: Holy SHIT Illinois has the highest taxes on gasoline for road repair, freaking use it!
What an OUTSTANDING Day for a ride. The right ingredients: great friends and perfect weather!
Jerry, Sandy, Steve, Jerry(Mo-JT), Pete and I headed north to the city to pick up Scot downtown. No issues except my Human GPS was wacked today, sorry guys for the missed turns. I think I was so into riding today I would say to Pete umm I think we should have turned there as we went buzzing by our turn.
Ride up to Springfield is actually nice but holy crap Batman we had to go through a ton of small towns and speed zones.
Once into Springfield we hit Lincolns Tomb and were greeted by Mark (Spanky here on the board) and Dave! Was greet to see Dave again and nice to meet Mark. Mark just got an 08 Burgman 400 in that beautiful blue black color!
We went into the tomb and walked around the grounds. Very nice, was my second time there but it has been 26 years. Yikes...
After the tomb tour we headed over to the WW II, Korean and Vietnam Illinois Memorials, all I can say is WOW. I really really loved the WW II memorial. But the Korean Memorial with the special memorial to the Chosin Reservoir was chilling. Then to have Steve recount a story of a friend of his that was one of the survivors was interesting to hear, thanks Steve!
Mark lead us to lead at Ryan's steak house. That place has some food!! Good Lord, I think I am still full!
After lunch we said our good byes to Mark! Thanks for coming out, Mark, it was great to meet you. Hope to see you again soon!
We headed back south with a pit stop in Litchfield to see Jim. To our great surprise Wade and Boots were waiting for us as well. We also got to meet Jim's wife, Linda. Was really good to see you up and about, Jim! Can;t wait till you are fully healed and we can make that Lake Ramsey trip!
At Litchfield we split into two groups home, Sandy and the two Jerry's headed back on 55 while Scot, Steve, Pete and I went the back roads. Once in the city we got to ride with a band of crotch rockets doing stoppies.. was cracking me up!
I am about a month behind on blogs to much riding not that it is a bad thing! I really needed to get this blog up!
Subtitle: You are NEVER to old to realize a dream!!
Gee I honestly don't know where to start. I suppose the beginning is the best place.
Well over 9 months ago, Dick started planning his trip from Vancouver Island, across the northern section of the US to the Iron Range Rally and then onward south to fulfill a life long dream of riding along the Mississippi River. Dick had told me once in Missouri he wanted to cut across the State and go to Lamar, MO. Lamar is the birthplace of Harry Truman who Dick has always admired. I knew right away when Dick told me about his journey that I would ride with him across the State. Fast forward to today.
Pete and I left St. Louis about 6:30am and blazed up 61 to 54 and into Louisiana to meet Dick. Once in Louisiana it didn't take long to see those Majesty lights down a side street. We pulled over and greeted Dick with a HUG bear hug! He is looking remarkably well for a 69 year old man into his 2nd week of traveling already 3,000 miles.
After some chit chat we found a place in town and enjoyed a grand breakfast!
Afterwards we headed west on Hwy 54. Man the wind in the farmlands was brutal today! We made a quick stop in Mexico to refuel ourselves. Of course I had to get Dick with a Monster
Hwy 54 turns south at Mexico towards Jeff City. We stopped just outside Jeff city for gas and then headed to The Lake of the Ozarks. Pete and I decided to headed over to the dam and the scenic overlook. Glad we did, it was a beautiful detour!
We rode on south into Camdenton and had lunch at a Mexican place (no it was not my choice, was Dick's )!! At lunch Dick detailed his trip to date! Pete and I both were green with envy of Dick's trip! I know I can't wait to hear about the rest of his trip!
After lunch we headed west on Hwy 54 to Hwy 123 then onto Hwy 13/123 junction. Here is where we reluctantly said our good byes.
The 585 miles that Pete and I traveled was worth every bit to have meet Dick and share just a little portion of his 9,000 mile ride! It was a distinct honor to have meet Dick, my life is already richer given today's experience.
Update as of today:
Update on Dick...
Since leaving Missouri he has gone though Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Florida and Georgia. A couple of days he started heading back west through Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and that is where his spot satellite signal went dead for over 24 hours.. we have all been concerned.. but today we get this note from Dick.
Hi guys
Its me.
Yesterday I posted that I was going on a slight detour. It looks like the post never went through.
Yesterday i was heading along Hwy 84 to get to the Ft. Parker State Park. Got to the I-45 intersection, about 120 miles N of houston Tx and phoned my neice in Houston.
She is a flight attendant for Continental Airways and told me to get my butt down to Houston because she was flying down to Caracas Venezuela on the red eye special and was taking me with her. Flight, hotel, meals etc free of charge.
So, I had a sudden change of plans. Sorry Duster, I had no idea that you would be at Ft Parker SP waiting for me.
So.......... I´m sending this post from Caracas Venezuela, just about ready to see the sights with my niece and some other airline attendants.
Man. This is really starting to be some kind of trip.
I OK´d my position this morning from Caracas. I have to tell my family that old Dick wasn,t hijacked and ended up in South America. Laughing
Gotta go. Will resume the trip in a couple of days.
Sunday we had a ride planned but mother Nature scared a few people off, so Pete and I were left to our own devices! We just rolled around the back roads west, then south then east to CB Joes in Bonne Terre.
Highlight of the day was Max turning 18! (18,000 miles)
Satan's House, seriously this is where we rode to on Friday the 13th. The last standing building in St. Louis where the famous Exorcist happened!
What do you take Satan as a house warming gift??
Ed lead us off from Schlaflys up to Oak Grove Cemetery! Darn the gates were closed! Of course since this is a cemetery we were respectful and didn't break in.. maybe I did climb one little fence. Maybe....
After the cemetery we hit up a Walgreens for a bathroom break, I have a firm policy if I am going to meet Beelzebub I need an empty bladder!
Ok now, I am a GRADE A chicken! I hate to be scared.. So as we are headed to the house I do start to feel a few butterflies in my stomach! The house is in a very very nice old section of Bel Noir. So riding in was I was like wow this is nice. We park out front and stand around and talk about the Exorcist. I honestly never got past the bedroom scene in the movie.. and we are standing in front of the house that contains said bedroom! Ok butterflies back. But I do feel safe standing across the street looking over. Plus my scooter was #1 in line and I think I left it running ;)
Oh I failed to mention one of my fellow scooterists, Tyler, knows the dude that owns the house. The owner knew we were coming by and he was cool with us gawking at the house. Up walks Nick the owner (super cool dude) and says you all want to come in! WHAT?? GO IN?? GOOD LORD or something like that I said. I am sure my mind was saying fuck no... Ed looks and me and pulls on my jacket and off we all go into the Exorcist house!!!!!!
Normal looking house, Nick is in the process of remodeling the dining room. Nick has a great sense of humor! He says as we walk through the dining room, want some of Satan's lead paint, LOL! Even better, Nick has a Hellraiser poster hanging in the living room!
Personally I think this is why Satan no longer lives in the house:
Seriously who can compete against an Elvis clock? Not even Lucifer me thinks!
So we get back to the front of the house, I am ready to go, Thanks Nick! I hear Nick say you want to see the bed room? Now I am sure I no longer thought fuck no, I said it.. Again Ed pulls my jacket and up the stairs we go.
Now every one remembers the famous bedroom scene right? Bleeding walls, head spinning, cold as hell or something like that... GUESS WHAT THE BED ROOM IS NOW!!
It is an exercise room! LOL, get it?? Say it slow an EX ER CISE room! I am now about to pee my pants from laughing.
Ed in THE room
Seriously, Nick has reported no weird or strange things in the house, he loves it especially since he got it enormously under market value. Now one strange thing did happen as we were leaving, my phone would not display, nor would Teri's or Ed's. I am not saying.. well I am just saying it was probably not nice to laugh at Satan's remodeled room.
Mega thanks to Nick!! Thanks Tyler for setting up the visit! I do love STL history and this is part of history regardless of how creepy it is!